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Trend Jumper Ends the Week with Another Strong Performance

One of the things that is so hard for traders to reconcile with is the idea that ‘less is actually more.’  Successful trading is about consistency in an ongoing basis.  If you could earn a net profit of ONE S&P eMini point per day, every day (on average), you could actually become financially independent in a big way.  Or just 5 ticks in the Russell eMini, or 10 Dow eMini points.  On our current PTU Roadshow, we showed how one could quickly establish a $10,000 per month income by averaging a mere 8 ticks a day of profit in Crude Oil Futures.  To put it another way, the tortoise beat the hare and the SF Giants beat Detroit in game 2 of the World Series by a bunt.  Think about it.
In the meantime, enjoy a look at another successful session today by trading for small and sure, consistent profits with Trend Jumper.
Crude Oil Futures gained +.46 with just two trades today for $460.  Was there more to be had?  YES.  But our trade-plan has us in and out of the market for minimal risk and time, while also allowing us to grow our accounts to the point of financial security, so there’s no reason to expose ourselves to further risk.  We were finished within 50 minutes!

Crude Oil Futures Trend Jumper

Russell eMini gained +8 points today in just TWO trades.  See the screenshot.  Notice how the trades on the Russell look just like the trades on Crude Oil.  That’s because they ARE the same.  ALL Trend Jumper trades are the same.  The Trend Jumper (TJ) finds key support and resistance areas on the chart and then shows you WHERE and HOW to JUMP off of them for high percentage profits.  We don’t need to be greedy.  We just need to make money on a consistent basis.  Of course, we do love the home run trade and TJ will give that to us as well.  Stay tuned for more.
Russell eMini Trend Jumper

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