This just in:
Hi TJ (That’s me),
Just wanted to send you a quick update regarding the TrendJumper – its just awesome!
I’ve been practicing with the ES 2000tick
Here are last weeks practice stats:
total points per contract: 32.75
total $ per contract: $1637.50
+$425.00 trading 2 contracts with an 85% win rate 🙂
— Brad N.
I thought I would share this with everyone and to also show you today’s session with the 2000 tick chart and with a slightly faster chart, the 1974 tick. Even though the markets just reopened and have been trading very slowly, it was a banner day for the ES. Other markets did great too, by the way. Crude Oil Futures had us finished with our goals in about 20 minutes today, for example.
ES 2000 Tick
ES 1974 Tick